
Browsing Archive: March, 2015

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Plastering has begun...yay!

Finally the house is taking shape inside. It's been a drama tring to find trades people in downtown Jindabyne and areas close by.  With the approaching opening of the ski season, actually, this weekend now... the lodges have been trying to get all their remodelling, renovating and new work finished. What that means is that this is the busiest time of year for all trades. As soon as that snow falls in earnest work up on the mountains will be done for the season. Then, of course, these workers will be taking some well deserved time off. None of this is of any use to us mere mortals...

We have finally found some gyprockers  in Canberra and they seem to be good workers and have many years experience.  We have our fingers crossed!

Today the temperatures plummeted - cloudy, cool - very cool and damp - must have been a few snowflakes up on the high peaks for sure.

We had some visitors - Rob & Sandra came for a drive with Bella and took a tour of the house and gave us a great reason to take time off - great guests who brought lunch and some great wine - thank you!

Back in the warmth of our home away from Sally Supreme we have the fire going, the doggies fed and can hopefully relax for a while in front of the tele (thank you Cathy & Angus!)

 Photos below...

1st row: the plumbers needed to flush out the drains and test their plumbing...so down to the dam to fill up the cube, Charles decided to wash the car too - at least he managed to clean off some of the mud on one side! lol. 

Now there's a problem - flat tyre on the trailer when it's got a full load of water on board, lucky the hydraulic jack was in the garage :) (not so lucky for Justin when he had a flat tyre at home and Kk had to change it and found the jack was bu**ered!

The trench to the builder's outhouse?

2nd Row: No, it's not some alien worm... it's our alternate heating source for the bedrooms - hot air trapped in the apex of the mezannine is pumped into the bedroom below (hadn't been put in place in this pic)

3rd row: velux windows being put in and the finished front veranda roof  - even has my initial :)

4th & 5th rows: more veranda and velux window

6th row: Shed site  from the new velux window and our lovely rainwater tank before the downpipes were connected.

About Me

A traveller by name and nature. I constantly marvel at the beauty that surrounds me, from the miniscule to the panorama. The end result is a passion for photography, capturing that moment to be able to share it with everyone.